We are warriors safeguarding
warriors, aiding in their fight
through our personal experiences.
Dax J. Francis / Founder
We are inside the fight, living it, surviving it, giving it hell day in and day out. We see and understand what our fellow warriors are going through and we want to make the fight easier in ways that most people aren’t thinking about. We are guardians of dignity, caretakers of the often overlooked humanity of those dealing with and conquering chronic illness. We have experienced hopelessness, fear and loneliness and we’re applying our experience to insure that other warriors don’t have to go through that.
We are listening, we do hear, we certainly understand and so we fight, we seek to improve and we never let hope subside. We will help all warriors around the world to stay strong, stay positive.
Innovative Design
Clothing designed to be comfortable, practical and stylish which brings ease and comfort to chronic illness patients when they go to the doctor to have tests done, blood drawn and examinations.
01. Comfort
A chronic patient, when sitting for dialysis, tests or other treatments, gets cold and uncomfortable, the appointment seems endless and the patient can feel exposed and uneasy. Our clothing is designed to bring comfort, warmth and a feeling of well being to each patient.
02. Practical
We’re not outsiders, we have experience with the tests, treatments, and the life adjustments. That experience led us to designing clothing that works in harmony with the needs of the chronically ill. Zippers giving access to major veins, arteries and applicable body parts makes giving treatment easier for medical professionals and receiving treatment much more comfortable and dignified for the patient.
03. Hopeful
For those with chronic illness the lack of control can be overwhelming. What’s happening to their bodies, their lives can put them into a spiral of hopelessness and fear. Our clothes are designed to give some control back to the patient, helping them feel more secure, dignified and hopeful.
04. Considerate
Our clothing can change a patient’s negative feelings to ones of hope by showing that someone cares. Someone cared enough to design clothes that suit their needs and gives back their humanity and dignity. We care so we designed clothes that bring a more positive outlook to the lives of the chronically ill.
Do you have any questions?
If you have any, please don’t hesitate to ask.